Dental Implants For Replacing Lost Teeth

By Westinghouse Dental

If you have lost a tooth (or teeth) due to injury or disease, dental implants can be an excellent solution for replacing them. Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, and over time they fuse with the bone to form a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Unlike dentures, which can often be uncomfortable and difficult to remove and clean, dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. If you’re considering a dentist Georgetown for dental implants as an option for replacing your lost teeth, here’s what you need to know.

 What Causes Tooth Loss?

Many of us will likely experience tooth loss as we near middle age. A report from Harvard Health estimates that most people in their 50s have lost at least 12 teeth on average. Several factors can cause tooth loss, including:

  • Gum disease. This is the number one cause of tooth loss among adults in America. Periodontitis, which causes the gums to pull away from your teeth, can ultimately lead to tooth loss.
  • Tooth decay. Treating tooth decay requires removing large amounts of enamel, exposing your actual teeth. Having large amounts of enamel removed over time can lead to tooth loss.
  • Dental injury. This is the second most common cause of tooth loss. Jaw fractures and sports-related injuries to the mouth can lead to serious damage, resulting in tooth loss.
  • Family history/genetics. Some people are simply genetically predisposed to tooth loss.
  • Poor diet. Some people eat a diet high in acidic foods, which can wear away at teeth enamel over time.
  • Lax oral hygiene. Not taking proper care of your teeth and gums can lead to gum disease and tooth loss.

Once you have experienced tooth loss, it’s important to replace the lost teeth. Failure to do so will compromise your smile due to the impact on your jaw and mouth structure. Replacing lost teeth with dental implants can lead to a more balanced, natural-looking smile.
It’s important to know that it’s not only the elderly who are at risk of tooth loss. Sports injuries are a common cause of dental injury in children and adults. Teens playing contact sports like football or hockey are at risk of sports-related teeth injuries. In kids, tooth injury can cause an irregular bite and a misaligned jaw growth.

 What Happens When a Tooth Is Lost?

Losing your teeth in childhood is no big deal, but if you lose teeth as an adult, it can significantly impact your mouth structure and your smile. The loss of one tooth makes the remaining teeth work harder when chewing your food. Thus, putting a lot of stress on the teeth and accelerating tooth wear and eventual tooth loss.

Some of the outcomes of tooth loss include:

Teeth misalignment. Having a missing tooth or teeth can make your teeth shift to fill the gap, thus changing the alignment of your bite. Over time this can lead to bite problems, a crooked smile, headaches, and joint pains.
Bone loss. Bone loss around your jaw is a common result of tooth loss. There is no longer any force pushing against your jawbone when you lose teeth. This impedes jaw bone growth, causing it to shrink gradually. This can lead to a sunken-in look on your face.
Tooth decay and gum disease. When you lose your teeth, the shifting of the remaining teeth can make areas of your teeth inaccessible when you are brushing, making them more vulnerable to decay. Also, the loss of teeth can lead to gums pulling away from your remaining teeth, making it easier for plaque and bacteria to grow, leading to gum disease.
Pronunciation problems. When you lose teeth, the shape of your mouth changes which makes it harder to produce certain words.
Compromised aesthetics. Tooth loss is particularly noticeable in people’s smiles because there is usually an uneven distribution of remaining teeth in the mouth. This can lower your confidence and make you feel self-conscious about your smile.

 Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are now considered the gold standard in tooth replacement procedures. The implant is the most natural-looking and feeling option for tooth replacement. Not only that, but it is the most durable and long-lasting tooth restoration available today. In addition, advances in dentistry have made dental implants an economical solution for tooth loss.

 Components Of A Dental Implant

The dental implant is the portion that attaches to your jaw. It usually consists of three parts:
The titanium root. Titanium is a biocompatible (can be used by your body) metal that is attached to the jawbone with screws, allowing for maximum stability
The abutment. This connector goes from your implant to your crown or bridge.
The crown, bridge, or replacement tooth. The final piece of the implant is the replacement tooth which can be anything from a single crown for replacing one missing tooth to a bridge that spans multiple teeth or even an implant-supported denture.

 Dental Implants Benefits

If you are looking to replace one or more missing teeth, dental implants offer many benefits:

  • They look and feel like your real teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium to mimic your natural teeth’ root structure, and when they are fixed with porcelain crowns, they look just like regular teeth.
  • They are stable teeth replacements. With implants, you don’t have to worry about your replacement teeth falling out since they are attached to the jawbone.
  • Don’t need to be attached every day with an adhesive.
  • You won’t have to alter your diet. You can eat and drink anything you want with implants.

Dental implants are a natural-looking and feeling option for tooth replacement. Not only that, but they are the most durable and long-lasting tooth restoration available today. In addition, advances in dentistry have made dental implants an economical solution for tooth loss. Dental implants offer many benefits if you are looking to replace one or more missing teeth: They look and feel like your real teeth, are stable teeth replacements, don’t need to be attached every day with an adhesive, and you won’t alter your diet. For more information, visit to schedule a consultation with one of our Cosmetic Dentists.